Tuesday 2 June 2015


Joker. His name alone sends shivers and awe down the spines of many fans. He's the infamous archenemy to Batman. He and Batman probably make up one of the most famous superhero/villain dynamics of all time. It surpasses that of Superman and Lex Luthor, and Thor and Loki. 

The best part of this struggle between order and chaos is the fact that neither side is willing to completely finish the other. To Joker, a world without Batman is boring—there would be no order to destroy; to Batman, killing Joker would mean bringing himself down to his worst enemy's level. They are the opposite sides of the same coin and like yin and yang, one cannot exist without the other.

In fact, it is believed (and commonly accepted among fans) that Batman helped to create Joker. Legend has it that Joker was a failed comedic struggling to provide for his pregnant wife. One day, he dons the identity of the Red Hood under the pay of some thugs and fell into a chemical vat while being chased by Batman. The accident left him horribly disfigured and insane. Oh, the irony that before, the Joker was a harmless pawn and now one of the greatest and unpredictable criminals. 

He is of course, my all time favourite supervillain. Not only does he allows keep me on my toes but he has some surprisingly deep quotes. What he says reveals the state of society and his utter disregard for the strange ways things like merit and respect are awarded. All I have to say is that there's more to Joker than what meets the eye, and I'll leave with some of his more memorable and deep quotes. 
Life, dear Greg, is a theater of the absurd. Be honest and gentle, and a man goes to a pauper's grave. Lie and cheat and kill, and that same man could rule the world!
So, who's the real sicko, America? Me, for carrying out this little prank? The producers and executives at the network, who let it all happen-- or is it you people, who mindlessly watched it all on your television sets?
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once, am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed. Why else would you dress up as a flying rat? You had a bad day and it drove you as crazy as everybody else... Only you won't admit it!

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